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A lot can really happen over coffee

Reading with Coffee
Home: Welcome

What can happen over a cup of coffee ? 


Mornings hold a whole lot of hope. For me, it is a time that's filled with solitude. Before the rest of the folks are up, my endeavour is to make the most of me time, attempt to listen to the sounds of the soul.

We all have our happy moments. Mine is an hour of undisturbed time with my morning beverage. The aroma of coffee brewing, the sound of black coffee being mixed with milk, the sight of foam sitting cozily on top of the freshly brewed beverage, and the taste of that hot potion at the first sip.

A sensory delight !

It is in these early hours of the morning, sitting in solitude, one with the sounds of nature, in the company of my serving of coffee, I saw a potential.

A potential to go deep inside and

find the undiscovered,

walk the uncharted,

dream the impossible.

It became a happy addiction. For about a few years now, I've made it a point to make time for this morning saga. I'd spend this time thinking, contemplating, looking back, looking ahead, reading sometimes, listening to inspiration from the wise, writing my dairy or just being silent.

One fine day, on this daily date with myself, I felt an urge to put my thoughts down into words. I can't remember what it was, but I do recollect putting all I have into the piece of writing.

I had found the undiscovered. I realized that expressing my thoughts into words, took me to a place of inner peace. There was a sense of joy in putting pen to paper or fingers to keypad to be accurate.

Day after day, my morning date became even more attractive. The act of writing brought in the added charm. And thus was born 'A lot can really happen over coffee'. This blog site is a way of sharing my life experiences with you. It is a unique take on personal growth. On how little steps taken while thinking it through over a cup of coffee can lead to a fulfilling and complete life.

It dawned upon me that if 'thoughts to words' can be so fulfilling, then 'words to sharing these with all of you' will be the icing on the cake or in this case the foam on the coffee.

I hope this rendezvous can lead to walking the uncharted and dreaming the impossible for you and for me!

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

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